This is my required blog for English 103. But just because it's required doesn't mean the quality will suffer.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I'm Still Here
Overall I thought the film was good. It held my attention and had some very humorous moments. The only reason these moments were humorous was because I knew this film was a joke. Without this knowledge this movie could have been very depressing. There are moments where Phoenix seems to completely break down and lose control, which might upset some audience members. There are many times where you don't know what to think about the situation Phoenix has found himself in.
With all that being said I felt like this was one of the greatest acting performances of all time. Joaquin Phoenix put himself completely into his character. I really enjoy an actor who totally commits to the part they're playing. My favorite actor, Christian Bale, is a great example of this. To prepare for The Machinist, Bale cut his weight down to 120 pounds for his role as Trevor Reznik, a paranoid insomniac who seems to be followed by someone mysterious. Phoenix did much of the same by growing a beard, gaining weight, and not showering for days at a time.
While many may dismiss this movie as garbage, I think the movie holds great cultural significance. It will be remembered for years to come as a film that broke all the rules. I applaud both Joaquin Phoenix and Casey Affleck.
Friday, September 24, 2010
I got this from one of my professors and it was too good to not share.
We all know the NBA and NFL get a bad rap when it comes to their players getting arrested all the time. I mean heck, Braylon Edwards, Wide Receiver for the Jets, JUST got arrested for a DUI this week! But which organization is in the headlines more? You might be surprised by what you read.
I'm going to read some statistics and you choose whether you think I'm talking about the NFL or the NBA.
29 have been accused of spousal abuse,
7 have been arrested for fraud,
19 have been accused of writing bad checks,
117 have bankrupted at least two businesses,
3 have been arrested for assault,
71 have credit reports so bad they can't qualify for a credit card,
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges,
8 have been arrested for shoplifting,
21 are current defendants in lawsuits.
So, which do you think it is? NFL? NBA? well.............
It's neither. It's the United States Congress.
I'm begging you. If you are of legal voting age, do your homework when deciding who to vote for. These are important people who make decisions that affect everyone's lives. Register to vote now and read about candidates in your area. Rock the vote at the mid-term election, where a lot of the clowns I talked about above will be running for re-election.
Register to vote here: or or
We all know the NBA and NFL get a bad rap when it comes to their players getting arrested all the time. I mean heck, Braylon Edwards, Wide Receiver for the Jets, JUST got arrested for a DUI this week! But which organization is in the headlines more? You might be surprised by what you read.
I'm going to read some statistics and you choose whether you think I'm talking about the NFL or the NBA.
29 have been accused of spousal abuse,
7 have been arrested for fraud,
19 have been accused of writing bad checks,
117 have bankrupted at least two businesses,
3 have been arrested for assault,
71 have credit reports so bad they can't qualify for a credit card,
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges,
8 have been arrested for shoplifting,
21 are current defendants in lawsuits.
So, which do you think it is? NFL? NBA? well.............
It's neither. It's the United States Congress.
I'm begging you. If you are of legal voting age, do your homework when deciding who to vote for. These are important people who make decisions that affect everyone's lives. Register to vote now and read about candidates in your area. Rock the vote at the mid-term election, where a lot of the clowns I talked about above will be running for re-election.
Register to vote here: or or
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Wake Up! It's Fall!
Key Tracks: "Hard Times", "Wake Up Everybody", "Our Generation", and "Shine"
Thursday, September 16, 2010
A Case for Kanye
My point is, what will Kanye talk about on his newest album, Dark Twisted Fantasy? The album, set for release on November 16th, is as much a mystery as what Mr. West will say next. After he stormed onstage last year at MTV's Video Music Awards, to let the world know that he felt Taylor Swift was undeserving of her award for best female video, he has basically been in hiding. We can only imagine that Kanye has been working hard in the studio preparing for something big.
I know most people out there are going to read the title of this post and say, "ugh! I hate Kanye West! He's such a _fill in the blank_." I'm here to make a case for Kanye. Personally, I think he is a changed human being. He has apologized to Taylor Swift time and time again. He has sworn off his ego stating from his official Twitter account, "No more ego... all positive energy... new emotion... new visuals... new music..." Some may just see this as a publicity stunt, citing this as a way to promote the release of his latest album. Think what you want, but come November 16th I'll be getting his new album, and you should too. I'm also going to state that I believe it WILL be one of the best albums of the year and possibly one of the best Hip-Hop/Rap albums ever released. I'm tired of people hating Kanye just because he had an ego. People can change.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Last night I waited patiently, awaiting the arrival of today at the stroke of midnight. I then got on my iTunes and downloaded Flamingo. Upon first listen the album seemed to lack some of the flashiness and big sound you expect to hear from The Killers. But after listening to the entire album three times, I can tell what Flowers lacks in fullness of sound, he makes up for on lyricism, great beats and, at times, very catchy melodies. If you're a Killers fan you'll understand what I mean by this next statement. Flamingo has Sam's Town-esque lyrics paired with a Day and Age delivery and sound. Basically what I'm saying is there are some pop-fueled moments, but the lyrics do not suffer. Overall this is an album that could definitely grow on you even if you're unfamiliar with The Killers.
Key Tracks: "Hard Enough", "Jilted Lovers & Broken Hearts", "Crossfire", "On the Floor", "Swallow It"
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Believe in Blue
Next game: 9/19 vs. NY Giants at 8:20 P.M
Friday, September 10, 2010
Let's Be Mature
I'd like to start off by saying that parents do their children a terrible disservice when they do not force them to get a job. It sounds a little harsh when I use the word "force", but honestly, that's what it takes to get a 16 year old out there to pick up applications. Being thrust into the work force is by far the easiest way to categorize one's maturity. Not only is it a good judge of character, working also helps the child mature into a semi-fin individual. It's very easy to determine who has had responsibilities in the past and who has not. Those who have actually had to work for what they earned not only place more value in their possessions but also in their time here at college. Whereas those who have had everything handed to them on a silver platter continue to do more of the same and expect mommy and daddy to still come and clean up their messes.
When I was 16 my dad said to me, "you need to go pick up applications for a job. When I was your age I'd been working for four years." I would just like to take this time to thank my dad, because without a gentle push from him I would not have been able to feel the reward of earning money. But not only earning money, gaining maturity and a greater sense of worth.
While I stress the importance of a job that is not the only way your child can mature. Any type of responsibility the parents can place upon them helps tremendously. Anything from homework, to help around the house, children need to feel that sense of responsibility at a young age. Without that gentle push the child will take a very long time to mature and will fall far behind his peers.
Welcome to college, it's the real world now. So guys, let's be mature.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Twitter is More Important Than Facebook
As of right now Facebook is becoming so bogged down with ads/apps/crap no one cares about. Twitter on the other hand is very simple. You create an account, "follow" whomever you want, and only have to be subjected to what they have to say. If you get annoyed with what someone you follow is saying it's very easy to "unfollow" them. This makes it very easy for the users of Twitter to limit the information they receive and puts the user in control.
Twitter also capitalizes on the world's obsession with celebrities. For example, I follow Kanye West (@kanyewest). Where else can I get an up to the minute feed of what Ye is thinking about? Or read his 40-tweet-long apology to Taylor Swift and everyone else for his attitude and behavior? Or see him tweeting at Justin Bieber about getting together in the studio? The answer is nowhere. He may post some of it on his blog, but because Twitter is so easily accessible it's the obvious choice. Twitter will ultimately rule in regards to people's source of information about their friends/co-workers/favorite celebs.
Let's face it; Facebook is obviously struggling for ideas right now. New features in the past year have just been copies of what other sites have done. Take the Facebook "Marketplace" for example. Sure it's cool that you can purchase things from your friends and people you actually know, but it does seem a lot like Craig's List and eBay. Facebook Chat is clearly crappy AOL Instant Messenger that rarely works. Then there is the ability to "tag" people in your status update by simply adding "@" before their name. This is clearly a rip-off of Twitter's basic concept. More recently Facebook has introduced user's ability to update their location using GPS technology in smart phones. This smells a lot like Foursquare (launched over a year ago) to me. Aside from "liking" things, Facebook has not had an original idea in years.
Twitter also beats out Facebook in terms of advertising. You can follow restaurants and other companies who may offer a special or coupon exclusively to their followers on Twitter. Scotty's Brewhouse (@brewhouse) offers a discount on weekdays during lunch for people who mention them in a tweet. Scotty's founder came and spoke here at Ball State on the importance of Twitter in terms of his marketing. Scotty's does not purchase any print ads, but relies solely on word of mouth and social networking sites. Twitter is a much better way to advertise than Facebook.
I'm not saying Facebook will die. Obviously past sites like Xanga and Myspace are still around but they have become less important. What I'm saying is that because of Twitter's simplicity, accessibility, and marketability it will eventually overtake Facebook.
Follow me on Twitter: @tylerclements
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
One Silly Word
The other day Professor Hartman made a comment that immediately stuck in my head. While he was showing us how to set up our blog he created a new post as an example. I forget exactly what he wrote in it but it was some introductory word like, "hey" or "welcome". He then showed us how to delete a post if we didn't like it. He said he would delete the aforementioned post because it was, "just one silly word, and who cares about one silly word?" That got me thinking. In the right context, one word can mean a lot. I know he said it in a, who cares about a one word blog post sort of way, but it got me thinking about all the different ways one word can change a situation. I'm going to give you two examples in which a simple yes or no answer changes the entire outcome of the character's lives (all situations are fabrications).
Will you marry me?
Will you marry me? Yes.
Steve really likes Jessica and they've been dating for about 2 years now. So Steve decides he's going to take Jessica out on a nice date and pop the question. He buys a very expensive ring, makes reservations, and gets a haircut. They're having a very nice meal and Steve decides the moment is right. He gets down on one knee, pulls the box out of his pocket, opens it up, and asks Jessica to marry him. She bursts into tears of joy because she has been waiting for this moment all her life. She says yes about 100 times, they live happily ever after.
Will you marry me? No.
Steve really likes Jessica and they've been dating for about 2 years now. So Steve decides he's going to take Jessica out on a nice date and pop the question. He buys a very expensive ring, makes reservations, and gets a haircut. They're having a very nice meal and Steve decides the moment is right. He gets down on one knee, pulls the box out of his pocket, opens it up, and asks Jessica to marry him. She gets a horrified look on her face and tells Steve no. She's just not ready for that kind of commitment right now. Things become weird in their relationship, they break up because Jessica needs space, they drift apart and form separate lives with other people.
Do you like this dress?
Do you like this dress? Yes.
Mark and his fiancée, Kelly, are getting ready to go out on a date. Kelly has been trying to figure out what to wear for about an hour now and they're cutting it close to make it to the restaurant on time. She tries on a dress that Mark does not particularly care for. Kelly asks Mark if he likes the dress. Mark says, "Yes." Kelly decides to wear that dress since Mark has given his approval. They go to dinner, get married, and live happily ever after.
Do you like this dress? No.
Mark and his fiancée, Kelly, are getting ready to go out on a date. Kelly has been trying to figure out what to wear for about an hour now and they're cutting it close to make it to the restaurant on time. She tries on a dress that Mark does not particularly care for. Kelly asks Mark if he likes the dress. Mark says, "No." But all Kelly hears is, "no, you look fat. Try that red dress that makes you look less fat." Kelly and Mark then get into an argument about how Kelly isn't pretty enough and no matter what Mark says it's always the wrong thing, because that's what we (guys) do. They then break up, drift apart, and resent each other for the rest of their lives.
So I've just shown two ways in which changing the simple yes or no answer can have drastically different outcomes. I could go on for hours on all kinds of topics about how one word can change everything. But I'll let you guys think about that. So, I guess in this situation everyone cares about that one silly word.
Moral of the story: Guys, we can't win.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Talking about memoirs in class has really got me brainstorming and thinking about everything that has already happened in my life. For some reason music always comes right to the forefront of my mind. So, I've decided to give you guys a top 10 of my favorite albums released since I've been alive. Also, I'm limiting one per band, of course because Radiohead would have like 3 or 4.
Honorable Mentions: Merriweather Post Pavilion - Animal Collective, Get Lifted - John Legend, Late Registration - Kanye West, Oracular Spectacular - MGMT, Origin of Symmetry - Muse, Man on The Moon: The End of the Day - KiD CuDi, Under the Iron Sea - Keane
Honorable Mentions: Merriweather Post Pavilion - Animal Collective, Get Lifted - John Legend, Late Registration - Kanye West, Oracular Spectacular - MGMT, Origin of Symmetry - Muse, Man on The Moon: The End of the Day - KiD CuDi, Under the Iron Sea - Keane
10. Continuum - John Mayer (2006)
__________________________________________________________________________9. Parachutes - Coldplay (2000)
__________________________________________________________________________8. xx - The xx (2009)
__________________________________________________________________________7. Hot Fuss - The Killers (2004)
__________________________________________________________________________6. The Crane Wife - The Decemberists (2006)
__________________________________________________________________________5. Bang Bang - Dispatch (1998)
__________________________________________________________________________4. The Moon & Antarctica - Modest Mouse (2000)
__________________________________________________________________________3. Is This It - The Strokes (2001)
__________________________________________________________________________2. Funeral - Arcade Fire (2004)
__________________________________________________________________________1. Kid A - Radiohead (2000)
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